Springtime Sprucing
Manchester Craft and Design Centre frontage, with its snazzy new fixed windows. I took this photograph on my way in to the studio this week:
I've had a bit of a revamp in the studio. I've added some wallpaper to a corner, for more of a grown up home kind of feel. What do you think? We've also got some daylight bulbs at the suggestion of my studio buddy Sue. I'm hoping they'll help with my migraines. Cross thy fingers!
Snazzy new butterfly boxes are the latest addition to the menagerie.
The cushions in the middle of this photograph are by Lydia Mary, our studio's Future Maker.
The view from my desk:
I've been taking part in an Instagram challenge: #MarchMeetTheMaker, set up by Joanne Hawker. It's so much fun! I am enjoying working my way through the prompts and learning things about my fellow makers.
I almost bowed out on day 2 because I don't like photographs of myself, but once I realized how silly that is I posted an awkward picture and cracked on with it.
Here are a few images I shared. My first ever sale: prints from my foundation course final, which my tutor sold for me. I hadn't even priced them as I didn't once entertain the idea somebody would want to buy something I had made. I never actually photographed the ones that sold, so these are a couple I still have hold of:
Post run: I happened to be posting these owls to Aberdeen on that day:
Sawyer the Choco Toucan has been added to my etsy shop. He looks so happy on his perch :)
In other news I finally got around to applying to be in the Crafts Council Directory and was accepted! YAY!
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