Taking Pictures

'Lifestyle shots' seem to be the buzz words of product photography these days, so I thought I'd jump on board and update some of my photos.

I stole some branches from an obliging rose bush, acer and bottlebrush from the garden and made a pile of splendid books and bottles. This is as far as my imagination could grasp at 'lifestyle' for now. I aim to practice some more in the coming weeks. Eventually I hope to be proud of my photographs, rather than generally bewildered, which is my usual state!

My sister has a rather nice fireplace I intend to take advantage of next time I visit. I also thought I'd make some of my own props; perhaps a paper wedding cake for my owl cake toppers? Some paper floral stems? This photo-shoot malarkey will be fun :)

In other news:
The lovely people at Pretty 52 have featured my work! Very kind of them. Here is a link to the article: http://www.pretty52.com/awesome/cute-this-artist-creates-beautiful-paper-sculptures-of-woodland-creatures-20160630

I've also been doodling rather a lot lately. I love barn owls.

This week I will be:
-taking some snazzy photographs
-completing some free standing bird pieces
-sewing a new dress for a themed hen do. (Literary characters. Decisions, decisions...)


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