Celebrating 12 years in business!
This summer it has been 12 years since I graduated and set up my business! That makes me feel old and also so grateful to all of my customers and supporters over the years. Thanks, gang! My first job after I graduated was making paper furniture sets & decor for a Harvey Nichols window display in their flagship shop in London. It was a lot of hard work and I had no idea what I was doing :) Also it was a time before I could afford a digital camera, so my photographs of it aren't great, but here's a peak at some of it anyway. It spanned THIRTEEN giant windows. Looking back on it now I mostly see what I would have done differently, but it was a great launching pad for a new graduate and it gave me some much needed cash to set up my business. It also appeared as an example of good window dressing in the programme Mary, Queen of Shops! I've still got a small mock up of my coat rack design somewhere :) Since then my business has grown and become much more nature focus...