The Upcoming Art Markets, Holmfirth

The eleventh Art Market takes place over the last two weekends in June. The first is 22-23rd and the second, the weekend I am participating, is 29-30th. I am very excited to be taking part as I had such a lovely time when I did it last November. I applied to take part in Summer in this year, simply because the lead up to the festive season can be so busy and I am so pleased I was granted a place; there are so many brilliant artists taking part!

some new things I’ll be taking with me.

 Here are a few links to some of the amazing artists who are taking part who I am super excited about! There are plenty of other beauties exhibiting also, but I had to limit myself.

(Since I don’t own any photographs of other maker’s work I am just posting links, you’ll have to make do with just my images!)

22-23rd June:

Lucy Gell- such characterful prints, beautiful illustrations!

Dear Emma Designs- quirky, illustrative freehand embroidery. Her bluetit background on her twitter page is exquisite!

Jane Blease- lampshade maker extraordinaire! Handstitched wooden lights and wall hangings. The lamps have such a warm, ambient glow. She recently made some lovely new floral designs which I’m sure will go down well at the Art Market.

Mr Ian Swales- mixed media sculptures that capture the very essence of what he’s depicting. I’ve never seen them in real life and this makes me sad- last year I lamented him being in the other weekend to me and it happened again this time. Boo. Also his is a very lovely website.

This Is Pewter- really tactile pewterage. Ella is really good at creating interesting forms with simple shapes and pattern. Her silhouette range is ace. I may have recently commissioned something from this glorious MCDCer!

29-30th June:

<ahem> my weekend!

David Howey Lighting Creations-clever re-imaginings of vintage items as lamps, really inventive. I cannot wait to see these things!

Eve Redmond- superstar of Manchester Craft and Design Centre- textured and hoopy kinetic jewellery.

Jo Myerscough- there is something really pleasing about burnished pottery- beautiful textures and patterns

&made- MCDC stalwart, maker of really imaginative homeware and accessories, immaculately finished. Andrea is one awesome lady and is known for her woollen cacti. Also her website is such a happy place to be. Take a look:

There is also a York fair in October, so special mention to:

Helaina Sharpley- wonderwoman of wire- beautiful, illustrative work using wire to draw lamp posts, teacups… I first saw Helaina’s work at the Art Markets (I think number 9) and instantly loved them!


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